TED - Nano-Electric Power Generation

The video below offers a glimpse of nano-technologies that may produce wonders in the near future. The video is cause for hope and even joy. But the video is purely about technological possibilities in the production of clean energy. It does not address political realities such as resistance to the implementation of such technologies by current energy-producing corporations and governments which would rather keep the world in darkness than allow for cheap or virtually “free” energy.
Read more at http://www.nanowerk.com/news/newsid=23593.php
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Vertical Axis Wind Turbines : Unique and Practical Designs

  • Homemade vertical axis wind turbine from PVC pipes.
  • VAWT made from scrapped rechargeable drill
  • Lenz2 vertical axis wind turbine
  • The Zoetrope VAWT
  • 55 Gallon Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

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