Homemade Magnetically Levitated VAWT

This design allows you construct a Perfect Magnetically-Levitated VAWT from inexpensive components. Because this is a Mag-Lev it’s nearly almost smooth and frictionless and efficient.
Components required:
  • Take 3 round plates of 0.5 inch thick plywood with 3 ft diameter with a hole of 2 inch diameter in the center
  • Take 32 Neodynium disk magnets, N45 (Mark 16 magnets with red having North Pole and other 16 with South Pole with blue ink)
  • Take 4 Neodynium Torus magnets, N45 (Mark 2 magnets with red having North Pole and other 2 with South Pole with blue ink)
  • 32 small plastic coils of Copper 14 AWG enamel insulation wire
  • 1 Steel pipe 4 Feet long and 2 inch diameter with mountable legs
  • 16 plastic plates, 1 Foot by 3 Foot and 0.5 inch thick
  • 64 small right-angle mounts
  • 128 wood screws, 0.5 inches long phillips
  • 1 metal lock-ring torus, 2 inch diameter hole in middle with screw in from side to fix to axle
See a video for learning to assemble them at the following link:-

Hydro-turbine Testing Verdant

Verdant Enters Second Phase of Hydro-turbine Testing
Verdant Power has an ambitious hydropower plan. The company was testing an underwater turbine in the East River in New York since 2002.
A number of research organizations and leading research institutions are working on such projects, which uses the motion of Water in the East River to turn underwater, propeller-type turbines that generate power.

Two $500,000 grants for the project were awarded to Verdant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The total, three-stage project is estimated to cost $1.5 million, and NYSERDA is expected to continue supplying grants for the research and development phase.

The motion of the tides in the East River can reach 4 knots, and Verdant mounted axial flow turbines on the river bottom. First phase turbines had rotors with a 10-foot diameter, and they have been generating up to 16 kW of power. Second phase turbines have a 16-foot rotor diameter, and are designed to generate 35 kW of power. A yaw system allows the turbines to rotate on a vertical axis so they can capture energy from both the ebb and flow of the river tides.

Information gathered from the test should prove valuable to FERC in the future if Verdant decides to pursue a license for the technology. The facilities would be located in the East River off Roosevelt Island in Queens County, New York. The company's long-term proposed project would consist of 494 turbine generator units rated for 21 kW each.

Verdant Power expects to complete this $10 to 20 million East River project, including power conditioning and grid connection, by 2007. Subsequent sites will be developed in less than one year.

As the company enters into its second stage of testing they had to start thinking about the proper licensing for the power plant. Lucky for Verdant, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is on board with the plan, and has ruled that the company can continue testing without a hydropower license.

Verdant is still required to obtain the necessary federal, state and local permits before moving ahead with the planned 18-month technology test.

winding low-power alternator stator

Process for making a winding for a low-power alternator stator - Patent 4449288:

A process making it possible to manufacture and locate a winding of an undulating shape, more especially for an alternator stator of a motor vehicle.

Initially externally of the stator and for each phase, a circular flat coil is formed having the desired number of turns. This coil is then preformed, still externally of the stator, so as to give it an undulating flat star shape, whose undulations correspond to the number of poles and notches of the stator. Then this preformed coil is moved against the bundle of sheets of the stator and wires are inserted into the notches by preforming a tilting action which deforms the coil out of its plane. The apparatus for practicing the process of insertion by tilting particularly comprises a mandrel, which is introduced into the bundle of sheets along the axis of the stator.